“Wishcard” arises from the need to enclose a multitude of functions into a single card which is willing to be the landmark in everybody’s life. Nowadays we are used to carry so many items such as debit and credit cards, ID card, social security number, health card, driver's license, bus and metro pass, fidelity cards, as well as every kind of receipt. Due to the fact that we have to deal with these bulky and sometimes useless items, why the technology does not provide a single product with multiple functions?

After being annoyed by this growing quantity of obsolete complications, Luca Buriani decided to give an answer to this question by creating a "One Card”. He drew a sketch that encloses all of the features of his cards, and he decided to pick up the main traits of each, studying carefully the best proportions and colors. In addition to the classic chip,  the insertion of the usb memory that may hold a huge amount of data is the peculiar innovation  of this electronic card.

Once the final image of this revolutionary idea has been established, the time to patent the "Wishcard" is arrived.

Are you interested in the WISHCARD project ??? Contact us.